How to Host a Playdate @ Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch and Save Money

We love Tanaka Farms! It’s organic, educational, healthy, and we get to sample various produces on the wagon tour – what’s not to love? Although we try every year to attend at least one (or all) of their seasonal famous tours (see also Strawberry and Watermelon), let’s face it – it’s not cheap.

Here’s how you can experience Tanaka Farms and save money. Maybe you’re not a planner, but I’ve done a few of these, and it’s not as bad as you may think. Let me show you how easy it really is to plan your own play date. Communication is key and practice, it’s gets better each time.

Form a Play Group

We all know that they have group rates, but how do we gather up enough interest? Even if we invited all our family members, what if they don’t have kids? (You’ll need at least 10 paying kids to qualify).

HOT TIP: Form a Play Group with kids around the same age.

Go to Back-to-School Night, meet the other parents, and form a network. Your kids are spending a lot of time with these kids all year round so you want to create opportunities for them to socialize outside of school and homework. See my recent post about “How to Form a Play Group to Save Money” to see how easy it is.

  • Invite Families from School
  • Invite your Neighbors
  • Invite Families with Kids
  • Invite Family

Overcome Commitment Challenges

Ok now that you develop an interested group, getting families to commit can be a bit of a challenge. What now? Create an online event and make it easy to RSVP via or I like Facebook because who isn’t on FB these days, but then again, I met a few recently that doesn’t – hmmm… is another great option. It’s free and all you’ll need are emails.

The Pumpkin Patch Tour is slightly different than the Strawberry and the Watermelon. It’s different because YOU are the Tour Guide for your group. Have a game plan, an itinerary, and bring water because you’ll be thirsty. Plan to be there at least a couple of hours. The best part is you can go at your own pace. I remember last year after we checked-in, we all made a bathroom stop, took group pictures while we waited, and everyone was good to go. Some don’t make it all the way to the end because of tantrums, etc, but it’s ok. Don’t worry about that. After you make your group reservation, Tanaka Farms will email you with instructions. Print that out and your RSVP list and you’re good to go.

We love the Pumpkin Patch Tour and we love the group rates because we’re saving some money while we’re having fun. The group rates are $6 per adult, $12 per child, kids 2 and under are free. It includes:

U-Pick Vegetables
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