Clear Alternative to Braces @Invisalign #INVStraightTalk #Ad

Invisalign Teen (c) Let’s Play OC!

A few weeks ago, I was invited to learn about the new alternative to braces in an info session with Invisalign. All three of my siblings had to wear braces as teenagers, and I remember them complaining how uncomfortable it was to have a mouth full of metal. Looking back they really didn’t show too much teeth in our pictures, and you know as adults, we’re much more comfortable with our smiles – you gotta show teeth!

“It kept you from smiling especially after you eat,” says my sibling.

Do you know about Invisalign Teen?

It has cool new features such as an indicator that reminds them it’s time to switch out. See picture. Pretty awesome right?

In the short time that we were there, we listened to a short presentation from one of their doctors, had dinner, met some teenagers that used the product, and listened to a Q&A. They had some users in the audience, and they have beautiful smiles, too.

Invisalign Teen Presentation (c) Let’s Play OC!

What I liked:

  • no trauma – less soft tissue injury
  • less discomfort and less pain
  • active teens can wear them without getting hurt in sports from traditional braces
  • convenience – less visits because it’ll last 6-8 weeks

How much will it cost?

It all depends on where you live which could range between $3,500-$8,000. (National average is around $5,000). It is also covered by most insurance plans, and they allow payment plans. To find a certified Invisalign provider, please use this Invisalign Doctor Locator:

At what age can they start wearing Invisalign?

They can start screening as early as 7 – 8 years old or when they loose all their baby teeth to start Invisalign. There is an old belief (between 9-16), but some can be corrected if treated early.

Why Invisalign?

Not only does it do everything braces does: treat a wide variety of cases, straightens your teeth, and cost roughly about the same, you can eat whatever foods you want, remove them to brush and floss your teeth normally, AND get extras in case you misplace them.

Invisalign Treatable Cases:

  • overly crowded teeth,
  • widely spaced teeth,
  • open bite,
  • crossbite,
  • overbite and
  • underbite.

Visit the Invisalign website to learn about all of the dental issues Invisalign can treat.

Did you have to wear braces? What were some of the challenges?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Invisalign. We attended an information session sponsored by Invisalign which included dinner and a SITS Girls mini-bloggy boot camp. All opinions are my own. Experiences may vary.