Exclusive Sneak Peak of Delivery Man Movie with Vince Vaughn @DeliveryManFilm #DeliveryManMovie

This just in!

Watch an exclusive sneak preview of Delivery Man with me right here, right now.

In the film, Vince Vaughn wakes up one day to find out he has fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Yes, you heard right, 533 of them, and he must decide if he wants to meet 142 of them now that they want to find their biological father.

The story starts to unfold as he is handed a file with their profiles. His friend warns him, “Do not open it!” Does he?? Well, maybe just the one. This just got interesting, and well you know Vince Vaughn is just hilarious. It’s also nice to see that no matter how unconventional his family becomes, they’re still family. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens when the movie comes out on November 22nd, but for now enjoy this Newly Released Exclusive Sneak Trailer of Delivery Man.

FUN TIP: Guess what? My blog was selected as one of the 533+ blogs to share this exclusive trailer at exactly 9am PST this morning. Remember, you saw it here first!