Sinus Sketcher Contest: Sudafed OPEN UP™ and Enter to Win $5,000! #SudafedOpenUp #ad

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sudafed.

Do you suffer from sinus pressure and congestion? Right around allergy season, my eyes start to water, and I’m walking around with tissues blowing my nose. It’s a little embarrassing sometimes, but I know that my husband have it worse than I do. It gets uncomfortable especially at night (not being able to breathe out of one nostril, tossing and turning), then we wake up with bags under our eyes, because we didn’t get good sleep.

The other night I was playing around with Sudafed OPEN UP™ application on Facebook and entered their contest for a chance to win $5,000 and you can too. All you have to do is sketch a picture (get creative) and show them how you look and feel with sinus pain and pressure. That’s it!

Take a look at mine.
Using lots of tissues make my nose sore and sensitive. Get it? =)

After you submit your picture, it generates a money saving coupon for a future purchase.


It’s interesting to see that sinus suffers are affected not only at home but at work and everything they do. It’s not easy to go about your day when you look and feel like hell.
Sudafed knows that suffering from sinus pressure and pain can leave individuals feeling crushed, beat down, congested and even squeezed, desperately looking for a way to OPEN UP. Serious sinus sufferers are invited to creatively share how they sinus pain and pressure looks and feels to them by using Sudafed’s OPEN UP™ application on Facebook.Beginning on December 2, the Sudafed Facebook community will vote for one of five finalist sketches that best illustrates the pains of sinus pressure. The winner will receive $5,000 and a chance to have their work included in a Sudafed advertising campaign. For more information, visit the Sudafed Facebook page.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sudafed.