Caring Santa will be at Simon Malls on Sunday, Dec 8th nationwide! Caring Santa is an opportunity for children with special needs and their families to enjoy a photo session with Santa. Extra care has been taken to support the sensory, physical and other developmental needs of children so they can enjoy this wonderful holiday tradition. The program is owned by Simon Property Group, and is implemented with input from

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In addition, Westminster Mall and Brea Mall are hosting Twitter “Holiday Shopping Haul” contests this month.
Here’s what the contest entails: Users are invited to tweet a photo of their favorite holiday shopping purchase or a picture of their holiday shopping bags (their “haul”) and use a hashtag (see below) as the entry method. Each week, one lucky winner will be chosen:
Starts: Monday, December 2 at 12 pm PST
Ends: Friday, December 20 at 12 pm PST
Number of prizes: 3 $50 gift cards (each at Brea and Westminster)
Dates of prize drawings: December 6, December 13 and December 20
Respective Hashtags for entry: #WestminsterHoliday and #BreaHoliday