Movie Review: Disney’s Million Dollar Arm | #MillionDollarArm

This is written by Carolina Gonzalez. All opinions are our own.

A few weeks ago my brother, Jorge, and I got the chance to attend to a pre-screening of Disney’s new movie, Million Dollar Arm. We were all excited to see Jon Hamm as we are big fans of his for his performance on Mad Men. We had a great time!

I must confess that I get very emotional when I watch movies, and this was not the exception. I went from laughing out loud to being excited, anxious and shedding some tears of sadness, and later, tears of joy.

This is such a great family film that I would totally recommend it. It targets both kids and adults. And if you have any kids who like baseball, softball, or cricket, (yes, cricket), they will totally enjoy this movie. It has amazing scenery of India and LA. We really enjoyed the music (so much fun) and the characters were hilarious!

Here’s my brother Jorge’s reaction:

“This movie took me by surprise, because it was much more engaging than I expected. It had it all – Drama, Comedy AND Romance! The movie starts out depicting the struggle that the lead character J.B Bernstein (Jon Hamm) was enduring due to the lack of business he was having as a sports agent. He quickly hatched a plan to go to India and hold a contest to find the two best possible pitchers. At the end of the contest, two lucky entrants will train to become MLB Pitchers in the U.S. Along the way, the lead character was consumed by his greed and lost sight of what really mattered.”

A review by Carolina Gonzalez. Carolina is a newbie in LA ready to discover all the hidden jewels this city offers. Carolina loves life, travel, volunteering, ballet, theatre, fashion and desserts – oh yeah! You can follow Carolina on Instagram and Twitter @CaroinLAcity.

Watch the official trailer of Million Dollar Arm below!

MILLION DOLLAR ARM now in theaters!

GENRE: Drama
CAST: Jon Hamm, Aasif Mandvi, Bill Paxton, Suraj Sharma, Lake Bell, Madhur, Mittal, Pitobash and Alan Arkin
DIRECTOR: Craig Gillespie
PRODUCERS: Mark Ciardi, Gordon Gray, Joe Roth
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Palak Patel, Kevin Hollaran, Bill Simmons, Connor Schell

WRITTEN BY: Tom McCarthy

Based on a true story, sports agent JB Bernstein (Jon Hamm) finds that business has changed and things aren’t going well for his career. In a last ditch effort to save his livelihood he concocts a scheme to find baseball’s next great pitching ace. Hoping to find a young cricket pitcher he can turn into a major league baseball star, JB travels to India to produce a reality show competition called “The Million DollarArm.” With the help of cantankerous but eagle-eyed retired baseball scout Ray Poitevint (Alan Arkin), he discovers Dinesh (played by Madhur Mittal from “Slumdog Millionaire”) and Rinku (played by Suraj Sharma from “Life of Pi”), two 18 year old boys who have no idea about playing baseball, yet have a knack for throwing a fastball. Hoping to sign them to major league contracts and make a quick buck, JB brings the boys home to America to train. While the Americans are definitely out of their element in India — the boys, who have never left their rural villages — are equally challenged when they come to the States. As the boys learn the finer points of baseball — JB, with the help of his charming friend Brenda (Lake Bell) — learns valuable life lessons about teamwork, commitment and what it means to be a family.

For more information, please visit their website here: