Our Adopt An Echo Project! | @FHEinsiders #AdoptEcho #EchoInsiders #EarthtoEcho

This is a post written by me for FHEInsiders. All opinions are our own.

It’s official! We’ve adopted an Echo! The kids agreed to take care of Echo for a few days. A backpack arrived which included Echo, adoption papers, and tips on how to care for Echo. It’s really cute. The kids took to it right away and even signed the certificate. I thought it was a great way to teach them responsibility.

We had to guide them at first and told them to show Echo around the house and their room. I knew it was working when they showed Echo their LEGOs, Transformers collection, and asked us to feed Echo when they’re in school. For the past few days, we took Echo to the park, to restaurants, on car rides – wherever we went. At the end of the night, they felt comforted that Echo was with them.

Want to adopt one too?
Here are some tips and an adoption certificate available for download!
(Click to Enlarge.)

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