2 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes by Leyna’s Kitchen | @LeynasKitchen

What baby food can you make with white sweet potatoes, red beets, carrots, and spinach? Check out Chef Leyna’s simple recipe below!

Carrots and Beets Baby Food Recipe
Recipe by Chef Leyna from LeynasKitchen.com.
  • 2 cup – carrots (dice)
  • ½ cup – red beets (dice)
  • 1 cup – baby water

Cook carrots and beets in baby water for about 15 minutes until vegetables are tender. Puree in blender with liquid until smooth. Add more baby water as needed.

Both vegetable are naturally sweet and has a ton of nutrition!

White Sweet Potatoes with Spinach
Baby Food Recipe
Recipe by Chef Leyna from LeynasKitchen.com.
  • 1 cup – white sweet potatoes (dice)
  • 4 cup – spinach (chopped)
  • 1 cup – baby water


Cook potatoes in baby water for about 10-15 minutes until tender. Add spinach and cook until wilted. Puree in blender with cooking water until smooth. Add more baby water as needed.

Because spinach is watery, I used the white sweet potatoes to thicken and to add natural sweetness.

– Chef Leyna

Note: As with all baby food, you’ll want to test a small amount first for food allergies.
