Theater Review: #Manxmouse, The Mouse Who Knew No Fear at Segerstrom Center #SCFTA

This is a post written by Lett R. All opinions are our own.

Last Saturday, we attended the opening of the play Manxmouse, The Mouse Who Knew No Fear at the Samueli Theater in the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. Available one hour before the show, children had the opportunity to make their own little mouse using crafts (creative play). The lobby also had books about Manxmouse and other mice. It was fun and added to our experience.

The play is situated in what looks like a storage filled with boxes. We are introduced to four men who seem to work there moving boxes around and sweeping the floor with a broom. During their lunch break the new young coworker prefers to read instead of talking to his coworkers. At first they laugh with him, but eventually they all start to illustrate the story of Manxmouse (a tail-less mouse with big ears and bright blue fur) using puppets, helmets, paper rolls, wigs and other everyday objects. The unique looking mouse goes on many adventures meeting animals and people along the way.

Everybody warns Manxmouse that his destiny is to be eaten by the Manx cat, but the blue mouse is not afraid of anything or anyone and goes to the Isle of Man to seek his fate.
I took 2 second graders and a fifth grader, and they all loved the play. You really cannot have a bad seat at the Samueli Theater, because it is a small theater. The 4 actors are amazing and had the kids laughing and their full attention. You can’t help but fall in love with Manxmouse.

We also stayed behind to meet the actors. They are super friendly, took pictures, and signed autographs.

We had a such a great time, we even bought our own plush Manxmouse to take home. =)

– Lett
Manxmouse, The Mouse Who Knew No Fear is from Kwatta Theatergroep in the Nederlands and is part of this season’s new family-friendly series at Segerstrom Center for the Arts. Samueli Theater is located at the Segerstrom Center at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa, California. For more information about upcoming shows, please visit their website at

Disclosure: We received media tickets for reviewing purposes. All opinions are our own. All images are by Lett R and used with permission.


A review by Lett R. Lett is a SAHM of two who loves to cook, travel and volunteer at her kids’ schools. She is also a Girl Scout co-leader and a big fan of Broadway shows and romantic comedies.