Kick Off Your Summer with a Free Kraft Cookbook! | #CookingUpSummer #Kraft #ad

Sponsored post by Lunchbox. #CookingUpSummer #Kraft

Summer is here and as we count down to the last days of school, I’m stressing out over meal planning. In a couple of weeks, we will be on a family camping trip and need ideas what food to pack and will be sharing. The 4th of July will soon be here too, are we hosting or will we bring a potluck item? We’ll also be at the beach this summer and hope to do a bonfire. Bonfires are really fun and with proper planning and coordination, we’re not all bringing the same things to share.

Lucky for us Kraft has a FREE summer cookbook! Just browsing through it, it looks easy for me to follow, the photos are beautiful, and I’m inspired. I want you to check out their beautiful summer PHILADELPHIA Fruit Pizza. It takes only 15 minutes to prepare, the crust bakes for 14 minutes, needs refrigerating for 2 hours, and serves 12. It will make the perfect dessert piece to any BBQ or party! Also, take a look at their Queso Burgers. It takes 20 minutes to prep and serves 6. You’ll need ground sirloin, VELVEETA, RO*TEL diced tomatoes & green chilies, lettuce, a large tomato, and, of course, hamburger buns. The cookbook has recipes for picnics, cook-offs, parties and more so download the free Kraft “Kick-Off Your Summer” cookbook today! Let me know what you try or want to try. Enjoy!