7-Day Switch Up Challenge with Viva® Vantage®! 7DaySwitchUp AD

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This is a sponsored post brought to you by Viva® Vantage®.

Most recently I was at an event to learn more about the stretchy-strength of Viva® Vantage® paper towels which was recently named a 2015 Product of the Year. The ladies and I watched a demonstration over brunch. It was fun, and I was amazed with some of the things it can do!

7-Day Switch Up!

We were challenged to take it home and switch it up! I have been using it all week to scrub my stove top, kitchen counters, and wiped down table tops. It really has great scrubbing power! You can also use it to scrub vegetables, because it’s that strong!

Chill Wine!
In a hurry and need to chill wine? I used one of their tips and wrapped a damp paper towel around the bottle and put it in the freezer! It was chilled in no time!

I’ve been using it for about a week now, and have been impressed with this product! I scrubbed with it, rinsed it off, then used it again, and it has lasted longer than other paper towels on the market, because of its unique V-Flex™ Weave. I also like the choose-a-sheet option so there is less waste. Want to switch up and try it too? You can download a $1 Viva® Vantage® coupon here.

Enter to win a $100 Gift Card!
Can you think of some ways you want to use with Viva® Towels? After you experience the stretchy-strength and great scrubbing power of Viva® Vantage®, return to their website and share about your switch to enter for a chance to instantly win a $100 gift card!