Innovative Summer Camps with Galileo | Early Bird Savings #galileocamps AD

It’s never too early to think about Summer Camps or what the children will do this summer. Where are the children’s interests? What are their strengths and weaknesses? At Galileo Camp, they will teach Campers how to create without the fear of making mistakes. They believe that making mistakes lead to more learning opportunities and children shouldn’t be afraid to make them. I couldn’t agree more.

Mistakes are Marvelous

Doing homework can be a real struggle at times. My kids are easily distracted, unmotivated, or they make careless mistakes and don’t want to fix them. It makes us all frustrated when it takes too long, and dread homework time. Fortunately for us, this past year has been much better! I had to understand that each individual child have different needs, and they both needed that 1:1 individual attention from me. Separating them helped a lot. The turning point was when I realized I needed to take a step back and observe their learning style and figuring out how to motivate them and encourage them to love to learn.


  • Camp Galileo: For kids pre-K through 5th grade, campers take on art, science, and outdoor activities tailored to their level. They learn innovation skills like collaboration and reflection and take home tangible creations like a rocket, photos inspired by Ansel Adams, or an archery bow.
  • Galileo Summer Quest: For kids entering 5th grade through 8th grade, campers can choose from 13 immersive majors, each confidence-building, collaboration-packed session gives them an opportunity to realize their personal vision in a new inspiring subject. Campers make short films, engineer catapults, whip up inventive dishes, design custom video games, and much much more.
There are so many options at Galileo to choose from. Check out the early bird special below! Many thanks to Galileo for sponsoring today’s story and inspiring us to get creative and innovate!

Early Bird Savings – Save $40!

If you register your kids before February 29th, you are eligible for both the $40 discount and the Early Bird Savings! Get an exclusive discount of $40 off a week of Galileo Camp using code 2016BOLD. When you register by February 29th, you can save an additional $25 per week at Camp Galileo and Galileo Summer Quest or $12.50 per class ($25 off a full day) at Summer Camps @ The Tech. Early bird savings apply automatically to your camp purchase and can be combined with Galileo’s multi-session discount, guarantees your spot, and you can change your camp date or location through May 2 for absolutely no fee. For more information, please click {here.}