Cookout Tour Weekends at Tanaka Farms Thru August #TanakaCookOut

If you’re looking for something unique to do for your next family outing, how about a Cookout Tour at Tanaka Farms? Most recently a group of blogger families and I checked it out, and it was a great experience! What I love about taking my kids to the farm is they tend to taste the veggies they pick themselves after they see where it comes from. Tanaka is an organic farm so it’s totally safe to do it on the spot. Currently only available on the weekends, the Cookout Tour is a guided walking tour around the farm which allows us to select our own vegetables straight from the source, then we prepare them for a grilled lunch.

Harvesting for Cook-Out

As we’re walking around the farm and learning about the crops, baskets were provided so we can pick them right out of the ground. Our selection that day were cilantro, baby Maui onions, curly kale, dinosaur lacinato kale, rainbow/swiss chard, and green beans. This is fun for all ages, and the smiles on the children’s faces says it all. My little one loved the green beans so much, we barely had any left for the grill.

Note: The seasonal vegetables available that day could change week to week.
Photo Courtesy of Justine from

strawberry tour season so we had more strawberries for dessert! (Once you try organic, nothing else tastes the same.) In no time, lunch was ready! Grilled chicken was also available for just $4* more, and it was so good together. I saw a staff member grilling the chicken at the start of our tour so it was perfect timing.

Here’s to eating healthy and trying new things!

Tanaka Farms

5380 3/4 University Drive

Irvine, CA
949-653-2100 ext. 204

Tour starts at 10 am sharp on Saturdays & Sundays, and lasts about 2 hours. Pre-registration is required.

*2016 Prices:

Free Parking.


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