AquaBall Drink, Blanket, Tote Giveaway!

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with AquaBall Drink.

The children are back in school next week! I know that many have already been back, but we are usually the last ones out and we’re also last to return. We still have one more week to go! At the beginning of the summer, we invited everyone to take the #AquaBallPledge to cut out the sugar. How did you all do? I feel like we were all over the place this summer, and I tried to pack AquaBall Drinks and water wherever we went. It started to become a habit after making sure we always had some in the car, in the fridge, and in our beach bag. When the children got thirsty, they drank what we readily had available, and soon enough it became part of our routine.


I can think of several ways to bring AquaBall instead of sugary drinks into the classroom. Volunteer to bring the drinks to your classroom parties and bring a cooler with chilled AquaBall. Both the children and other parents will love it. (Birthdays, Sport Events, Halloween and Holiday Parties, Play Dates, School Carnivals, Egg Hunts, etc.) Thanks, AquaBall, for sponsoring this post! They want to see where you take your AquaBall. Use #MyAquaBall and you will be entered to win a prize. For more information about the product, please visit their website at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US Residents Only. No purchase necessary to enter. All readers have an equal chance to win, however, you must enter to win. A winner will be randomly selected via RaffleCopter and notified via email. I will attempt to contact the winner for 3 days. If the winner cannot be reached by email, a new winner will be selected the same way. There are several different ways to earn entries. One prize per household. The winner will receive, free of charge, the prize mentioned above. This prize is not available for exchanges. Prizes are not transferable or refundable and must be accepted as awarded. The winner is responsible for any and all other costs and expenses not listed above. Not liable for unclaimed prizes or fulfillment.