For as long as I can remember, I have always been a fan of chocolate. One of my most memorable childhood Christmas gifts was a five pound piece of solid chocolate shaped liked a dog bone. It took me months to finish, but what glorious months those were. When the opportunity came along for me to take part in a bit of chocolate history at See’s Candies at their new concept store in Tustin, I stepped up to the plate. If someone were to ask me, “What is better than a night of tasting chocolate?” I can now thank See’s Candies for showing me the answer.
Photo by Jay Camiling. |
The first pairing was the timeless Scotchmallow with a 2012 Ceago Muscat Canelli. The two married well together but I discovered that the Key Lime Truffle helped to really bring out the crispness of the Muscat. One table down, four more to go.

The last (and my favorite) union was that of the decadent 62% Dark Chocolate Bar with a 2012 Trig Point Merlot. I’m not sure if it was my love of dark chocolate or my bias for merlots but this pairing won me over on the presentation alone. The deliciously dark chocolate meticulously cut into squares called to me. The deepness of the merlot’s color drew me like a moth to a flame. It took a tremendous amount of restraint to not devour and consume everything in one bite and gulp. My colleague reminded me that I was to let the chocolate melt and cover my palate so that I would be able to properly experience the pairing of the chocolate and wine. I did not want to, but I followed his advice. The first bite of chocolate carefully followed by the sip of the merlot left me speechless. Even as I am writing this, I am reliving the experience. The same smile appears on my face and the same thought crosses my mind – perfection.