BigBoxPlay Launched Their Kickstarter Campaign This Week #bigboxplay

Do you remember playing with big cardboard boxes when you were children? I have four other siblings, and I recall a time when we taped two boxes together, cut out windows and doors, then played with it until it fell apart. Now when I see my own children doing it, I get it. It’s fun, and they feel like it is their own private space. Especially the younger one, he drags it up and down the stairs, put all his toys in it, hides in it, and wants to sleep in it with his pillows and blanket. He was upset when his Dad wanted to throw it away.

Last week, BigBoxPlay was at Storymakery in Irvine demonstrating their first-of-its-kind play and learning system. We stopped in to see if my kids would like it. I was amazed how sturdy it was, and shared a video on my facebook page – it held up when my boys walked on them. They were playing in them nonstop and even made friends. I like that it lays flat when storing them.

Their Kickstarter campaign started this week with expected delivery date September 2017, so if you want one, you can start ordering it. Once they reach their goal, they can start production and make new sizes and shapes. It comes in two themes right now – the Castle and the Space Shuttle, and you can order the three set or five. There are three towers and two tunnels that come with easy assembling instructions. Individually pieces like tops, bottoms, sides, tunnels, panels, knobs or grommets, as well as other themes will eventually be available. For more information, please visit their website at