My Body Contouring Abdominoplasty Journey – Part II Scheduling and Pre-Op

Sponsored post written by me for Cosmeticare. #cosmeticareambassador

If you are following my abdominoplasty journey, my surgery date is this week, and is scheduled with Dr. Brian Reagan at Cosmeticare. They required a $500 deposit to secure the date. You can go in as many times as you need for free consultations, but when it starts getting serious and you want to lock down a date, they’ll ask for a deposit. The deposit is applied toward your balance, and it is refundable if you change your mind. You can understand that they want you fully committed and no last minute cancellations are acceptable. They have to schedule staff and book the facility, etc. Since I won’t be able to drive for two weeks, I had to schedule around my children’s school schedule. For us, summer time is best. My second option would be around the holidays. When you book your surgery, you will also need to make an appointment 1-2 weeks prior for Pre-Op (pre-operation) instructions. I recommend 2 weeks if possible. During those two weeks, I filled prescriptions and went shopping for this post-operation garment they recommended. They call it a muumuu with a zipper, and I found it at Kohls online as a zip-front robe. I also ran last minute errands, stocked up on groceries, clean up my house, and needed down time to mentally prepare.

What Happens at Pre-Op?

During Pre-Op, we took new photos, I signed a thick packet of paperwork, took blood samples, received prescriptions, discussed before surgery preparations and after surgery care. I had to designate who was going to pick me up. I will need support and someone to stay with me for the first 24 hours after surgery. I told my husband to take the day off. It is a 4 hour surgery and when they call him, he will have to be about 30 minutes away. Since I am outpatient, I had to find something comfortable to wear to go home the same day. They also require full payment of the remaining balance. I charged it, but they use CareCredit. You can also fill out the application at home before you get there. If you are going to use CareCredit, you will want to know ahead of time if they will approve the amount you need. I also had to make a follow-up appointment (day after surgery), a day to remove the catheter, and another day to remove the drain. I was instructed to discontinue Ibuprofen, Aleve, all Aspirin containing products except Tylenol, any diet pills or prescriptions, alcohol, tobacco, and energy drinks.

I also met with my surgeon, Dr. Reagan, and he was just as excited to see me too. He also showed me a recent surgery that he performed, and I was really impressed. The photos were taken about two months apart.

1-2 Days Before Surgery

A few days before surgery, someone called me to remind me to take my anti-biotics (there are two), and reminded me NOT to eat anything after 9pm. She also told me the exact time to arrive.

  • I started my antibiotics. There are two and I have to take them with food, lots of water and twice a day.
  • She suggested I also line the carseat and where I will be sleeping with a trash bag or tarp. There might be some oozing the first couple of days. Sorry, I know that sounds gross.
  • Another suggestion was to bring a small pillow because I will need to hug it while walking out to the car. The worst part she said is them waking me up to go home because I will want to just stay there.

Night Before Surgery

I was instructed not eat or drink anything including water after 9:00 pm the night before. They gave me a small supply of antibacterial soap to shower with and they stressed washing belly button and under arms because these areas harbor bacteria.

Morning of Surgery Check List

  • No make-up or jewelry including body piercings or rings.
  • No body lotions, oils or creams.
  • I can brush my teeth but no swallowing. I can’t use mouthwash, chewing gum or breath mints.
  • I’m going to wear my glasses and small tote for my things.
  • I’m going to leave everything at home including my phone.
  • I have something to line my carseat.
  • I need to bring my Zofran for nausea and vomiting.

Please wish me luck. I am nervous but also excited. I hope it is a fast recovery and to be well soon. And for reading this post, I reward you with my embarrassing before photos. (Gulps). The second photo is a simulation. I look forward to this next chapter in my life. Thanks for following my mommy makeover journey.


READER DISCOUNT: My readers get 10% OFF abdominoplasty or Botox when they mention this code: MARY100 when they call, book online or go in the office.


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