Easy Minute Rice Holiday Recipes

This is a sponsored post. #MinuteMeals

Are you looking for easy holiday recipes for your next event? Last week a group of bloggers and I got together for a festive Ugly Sweater Holiday Party and shared easy Minute® Rice recipes for the holidays. Our host, Cheryl, made three dishes which tasted great! She made a banana bread, honey nut dressing, and cheesy chicken rice bake using Minute® Rice. After tasting them all, my absolute favorite were the cheesy rice with chicken. I looked at the recipe, and it looks easy to make!

Because the holidays are stressful enough, I don’t like to overthink being in the kitchen. I like to make simple dishes that do not take all day so I offered to make a simple fried rice with mixed vegetables. I had all the stuff out and my brother Max said I was taking too long in the kitchen so he jumped in and helped me. (Well he made it, and I just did the prepping.) While Minute®’s Multi-Grain Medley Rice was cooking in our rice cooker, we scrambled eggs, sliced up hot dogs (I forgot to bring the cubed ham I wanted to use at home), boiled half a bag of frozen vegetables and drained it, stir-fried them together and added soy sauce for seasoning. It came out beautifully. The Minute® Multi-Grain Medley included brown rice, red rice, wild rice, and quinoa which added a colorful mix. It took less than 30 minutes to prep and make. It was a hit, and even the kids gobbled it up!

Note: We used what we had so we didn’t have to make another grocery run, but you can also use chicken, or whatever protein you want.

“Whole Grains Rice is usually brown but can be black, purple, red or a variety of exotic hues.”

Rice is a staple in our family, and we like to keep it stocked in our pantry at all times. I’m so glad that the simple dish didn’t take all day in the kitchen because I would rather spend time socializing and opening presents. What I like about Minute® Rice is the box doesn’t take up too much space in our pantry, and it’s fast and easy to make (just add water). A box of Minute® Rice includes 4 pre-proportions bags. What I didn’t know is the many different dishes you can make with rice as an ingredient. Do you have tons of leftovers after a party? Make some new dishes with Minute® Rice! You’ll have to check out their Minute® Rice Recipe® Club for recipes. (There’s over 400!) I’m sharing the ones I mentioned below.

Happy Holidays! -Mary

Minute Rice’s Honey Nut Dressing Ingredients:

  • 1 cup Minute® Brown Rice, uncooked
  • 1 Tbsp margarine
  • 1/4 cup chopped ecans
  • 3/4 cup onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 2 Tbsps honey
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp salt