HALO SleepSacks Prevents SIDS

I’m going to be a new auntie in the next coming months to two twin boys and a niece (they’re due within a week of each other). I can hardly wait! Right now I’m helping them put a check list together for their baby registry. One of my all time favorite things to use when my boys were younger (and gift) are HALO SleepSacks wearable blankets. One of the scariest thing about being a new parent is the dangers of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the leading cause of death among infants 1 month to 1 year old. No one can really predict the cause, but you can learn about the risks and take preventative measures. Since blankets are not allowed in the crib for newborns and infants, HALO SleepSacks are a safe alternative as it’s a wearable blanket that’s warm and kick-proof.

Here are some Safe Sleep Practices from HALO SleepSack:


  • Place baby to sleep on his or her back at naptime and at night time.
  • Use a crib that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress that fits snuggly and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
  • Remove all soft bedding and toys from your baby’s sleep area (this includes loose blankets, bumpers, pillows and positioners). The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.
  • Offer a pacifier when putting baby to sleep. If breastfeeding, introduce pacifier after one month or after breastfeeding has been established.
  • Breastfeed, if possible, but when finished, put your baby back to sleep in his or her separate safe sleep area alongside your bed.


  • Never put your baby to sleep on any soft surface
  • Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep; keep room temperature 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Never allow anyone to smoke around your baby or take your baby into a room or car where someone has recently smoked.

HALO Innovation’s SleepSack® wearable blankets have become the standard for hospital nurseries and parents alike. In fact, 1,000 hospital nurseries use the HALO SleepSack Swaddle instead of blankets through the HALO Safer Way to Sleep Initiative. HALO Innovations also offers free Safe Sleep Practices kits to childbirth educators to help further the cause of SIDS prevention.

I reached out to HALO SleepSacks for a sample of their wearable blankets and learned they have new designs. Here are just a few…

Aren’t they super cute? These new designs comes in various sizes in cotton and micro-fleece. HALO SleepSacks are available at target.com and amazon.com. To learn more about HALO SleepSacks, please visit their website at www.halosleep.com.