Halloween Events in LA/OC!
Read More: Halloween Events in LA/OC!If you love this time of year, and love being scared or just love pumpkin patches. Here are few things happening around Los Angeles and Orange County. I used to take my kids when they were younger to all of the pumpkin patches, and it became a month long celebration. The amusement parks are always…
Our Adopt An Echo Project! | @FHEinsiders #AdoptEcho #EchoInsiders #EarthtoEcho
Read More: Our Adopt An Echo Project! | @FHEinsiders #AdoptEcho #EchoInsiders #EarthtoEchoThis is a post written by me for FHEInsiders. All opinions are our own. It’s official! We’ve adopted an Echo! The kids agreed to take care of Echo for a few days. A backpack arrived which included Echo, adoption papers, and tips on how to care for Echo. It’s really cute. The kids took to…
Denny’s New Holiday Menu | #DennysDiners @DennysDiner
Read More: Denny’s New Holiday Menu | #DennysDiners @DennysDinerThis is a sponsored post written by me for Denny’s. We are members of Denny’s Blogger Ambassador Council program. All opinions are our own. If you’ve been waiting all year for Pumpkin Season to come back around like me, well wait no further! Denny’s seasonal holiday menu features Pumpkin Coffee with whipped cream and caramel…
Segerstrom Center: PIPPIN the Musical Nov 11-23, 2014! | #PippinTour @SegerstromArts #SCFTA
Read More: Segerstrom Center: PIPPIN the Musical Nov 11-23, 2014! | #PippinTour @SegerstromArts #SCFTAThis is a post written by me for Segerstrom Center. All opinions are my own. We’ve been waiting for this since the season previews! The 2013 Tony Award-winning musical PIPPIN will be at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts November 11th through 23rd! It combines musical theater with circus acrobats – Can’t wait!! Segerstrom Center…
Elbows Mac N Cheese Now in Brea! | @elbowsmac #keepitcheesy
Read More: Elbows Mac N Cheese Now in Brea! | @elbowsmac #keepitcheesyThis is written by me for Elbows Mac N’ Cheese. All opinions are our own. Who doesn’t love mac-and-cheese? It’s a childhood favorite and a great comfort food. A few weeks ago, we took the family to check out Elbows Mac N’ Cheese at their new location in Brea. This is NOT your traditional macaroni…
Hallmark Poster Cards
Read More: Hallmark Poster CardsThis shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias and its advertisers. All opinions are our own. Birthdays in our family tends to be a month-long celebration. We not only celebrate with family and friends, we also like to celebrate on the day of, at school, and the entire weekend. It usually ends up being month-long. Last…
Review: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream at Creamistry! | @CreamistryInc
Read More: Review: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream at Creamistry! | @CreamistryIncThis is written by Leyna Doan for Creamistry. We received samples for reviewing purposes. All opinions are our own. Images are by Leyna. I’ve had my fair share of bad ice cream. What’s considered bad? Ice cream that tastes icy instead of creamy! I have made ice cream before, so I know that when ice…

A mom of two boys exploring Orange County, California. We share fun things to do.