Halloween Events in LA/OC!
Read More: Halloween Events in LA/OC!If you love this time of year, and love being scared or just love pumpkin patches. Here are few things happening around Los Angeles and Orange County. I used to take my kids when they were younger to all of the pumpkin patches, and it became a month long celebration. The amusement parks are always…
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel premieres Friday, Aug 16th | @DisneyChannelPR @DisneyD23 #D23Expo
Read More: Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel premieres Friday, Aug 16th | @DisneyChannelPR @DisneyD23 #D23ExpoHanging out with my buddies – Phineas and Ferb. Last weekend we were at Disney’s D23 Expo – The Ultimate Disney Fan Event. One of the first thing we did was attend a special event for “Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel” which introduced Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Waffle-inator. Fans were invited to play “The Phineas and Ferb…
Wake Up to a Winder Farms Home Delivery #Review @WinderFarms1 #ad
Read More: Wake Up to a Winder Farms Home Delivery #Review @WinderFarms1 #adLast month, Winder Farms, a premier home delivery grocery company, hosted a free Old Fashioned Fair at Tanaka Farms to debut their services in Orange County. We attended their media event which was also held at Tanaka Farms a few days before. We listened to an informative introduction to the company, went on a wagon…
OC Simon Kidgits Back-to-School Events @ShopBreaMall @ShopsMV @ShopWestminster
Read More: OC Simon Kidgits Back-to-School Events @ShopBreaMall @ShopsMV @ShopWestminsterOrange County families are invited to score an “A+” in preparedness and entertainment with Simon Kidgits Club®’s annual Back-to-School event. Join Simon Malls for a special celebration to help young students and parents across the the country ‘make the grade’ even before the school year begins at one of the malls below: Brea Mall –…
Deloris in SISTER ACT is Fabulous,Baby! @SegerstromArts @SisterActTour #SisterActOC #Review
Read More: Deloris in SISTER ACT is Fabulous,Baby! @SegerstromArts @SisterActTour #SisterActOC #ReviewWe received media tickets to SISTER ACT’s Grand Opening night at Segerstrom Center so I sent my sister-in-law Nhi this week. She took her friend Carolina for a Girl’s Night Out for her birthday and her first Broadway musical experience. Here is what they thought: “Carolina and I had a blast!! The plot was right…
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of Titanic The Experience and Bodies… The Exhibition #TitanicBuenaPark #BodiesBuenaPark
Read More: Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of Titanic The Experience and Bodies… The Exhibition #TitanicBuenaPark #BodiesBuenaParkIn case you’ve missed it, two new exhibits: BODIES… The Exhibition and Titanic the Experience opened in OC last week! I sent my sister Nhi to the ribbon-cutting ceremony and here’s what she reported… August 1, 2013 marked the grand opening to Buena Park’s newest attractions: Titanic the Experience and Bodies… The Exhibition. In the…

A mom of two boys exploring Orange County, California. We share fun things to do.