Halloween Events in LA/OC!
Read More: Halloween Events in LA/OC!If you love this time of year, and love being scared or just love pumpkin patches. Here are few things happening around Los Angeles and Orange County. I used to take my kids when they were younger to all of the pumpkin patches, and it became a month long celebration. The amusement parks are always…
Exclusive Sneak Peak of Delivery Man Movie with Vince Vaughn @DeliveryManFilm #DeliveryManMovie
Read More: Exclusive Sneak Peak of Delivery Man Movie with Vince Vaughn @DeliveryManFilm #DeliveryManMovieThis just in! Watch an exclusive sneak preview of Delivery Man with me right here, right now. In the film, Vince Vaughn wakes up one day to find out he has fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Yes, you heard right, 533 of them, and he must decide…
My Photo Gallery: Toyota Corolla Launch Party #2014Corolla
Read More: My Photo Gallery: Toyota Corolla Launch Party #2014CorollaLast month we were invited to a reveal of the new 2014 Toyota Corolla. Boy do they know how to throw a party! I’ll just highlight a few from the night: These are not your regular light boxes. They had aerial dancers! These guys are making liquid nitrogen frozen margaritas. We enjoyed dishes catered from…
Helpful Honda Shading 4th of July Parades with Blue Umbrellas! @HelpfulHonda #HelpfulHonda #LPOCanni #Giveaways Ended 7/14
Read More: Helpful Honda Shading 4th of July Parades with Blue Umbrellas! @HelpfulHonda #HelpfulHonda #LPOCanni #Giveaways Ended 7/14The Helpful Honda guys are at it again! Are you going to the 4th of July Parade in Huntington Beach or Long Beach? They’re going to be out there providing shade with their blue umbrellas. Thanks, SoCal Honda Dealers! Enter below for a chance to win one of the awesome prizes below. Remember, you don’t…
My Photo Gallery: Hoag 552 Club’s Summer Movie Classic #HoagSummerMovieClassic #CharityEvent
Read More: My Photo Gallery: Hoag 552 Club’s Summer Movie Classic #HoagSummerMovieClassic #CharityEventAfter enjoying all the fabulous food tastings from some of the best restaurants, you’re not going to believe this, but we got in the concessions line for popcorn, nachos, candy, pretzels and drinks. It was so inviting, how can we not? “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she…
Simon Kidgits Club Safe Summer Event @ShopsMV July 13 #MissionViejo
Read More: Simon Kidgits Club Safe Summer Event @ShopsMV July 13 #MissionViejoFirst off, are you familiar with Kidgits Club? For new parents looking for an inexpensive way to entertain your kids with crafts and monthly seasonal themed events, Kidgits Club memberships are only $5 per child per year! Benefits: Free t-shirt upon signing up (if you sign up online just print it out and bring it…
Karate for a Cause July 28th @CommunityAutism Giveaway ends 7/14
Read More: Karate for a Cause July 28th @CommunityAutism Giveaway ends 7/14Want your kids to try Karate but not sure if they will like it? Check out this Karate workshop while supporting a great cause. The American Martial Arts Academy and Community Autism Now teamed up to provide an afternoon of Karate classes, activities, and pizza for only $5 per child! There will also be a…

A mom of two boys exploring Orange County, California. We share fun things to do.