BOO! Shampoo and Conditioner Lice Prevention

Disclosure: We received product samples. All opinions are our own.  

Lice is NASTY! (So we heard anyway). The other day at preschool there was a notice on the classroom door that our kid may have been exposed to it, and it was to inform us that they took precaution to clean everything thoroughly in the classroom. Whew, that was close, but what if next time we weren’t so lucky and our son brought it home with him? We can only imagine what a nightmare that will become.     Recently we learned that there’s a new strain of lice — dubbed “super lice”— that is more resistant to over the counter lice treatments. That’s why Cozy Friedman, a mom of two and founder of Cozy’s Cuts for Kids salons in New York City, recommends using preventative measures to scare away lice attacks, all summer long.

“Lice happens. It can happen to anyone! But it doesn’t have to happen to your kids. First off, you have to educate your children about lice and how it’s contracted. Then you have to teach you kids how to avoid it,” says Cozy. “For example, tell them never to share hats, brushes or combs with their friends and to use their own pillowcases. You’ll also want to invest in an anti-lice shampoo and conditioner. Cozy’s So Cozy BOO! Shampoo and Conditioner includes natural lice repellents such as pure tea tree, rosemary and lavender oils. It smells GOOD, and it’s safe and gentle enough for everyday use. (So Cozy products are non-toxic and have no iffy chemical ingredients like parabens, sulfates, and phthalates).

  • BOO! Shampoo: Scare lice away with natural repellents like pure tea tree, rosemary and lavender oils. Good-for-you ingredients such as aloe and panthenol soothe the scalp and add body and shine. To use, apply a modest amount to wet hair and massage into a low lather. Leave in for up to five minutes and rinse.
  • BOO! Leave-In Conditioner: This lightweight, multi-functional detangling spray keeps lice on the run with repellent ingredients including tea tree, rosemary and lavender oils. Ultra-healthy aloe, calendula, and wheat protein soothe the scalp, strengthen hair and prevent damage from blow-drying. To use, lightly mist over the hair and scalp and brush or comb through. Ideal for use following Boo! Shampoo, the formula can also be applied to dry hair while playing outdoors or anytime you want to strengthen up the lice defense.

Each item retails for $14.50. For more information, please visit their website at     Do you have any tips you’d like to share?