Two new haunted houses are coming to Southern California Railway Museum (SCRM)! The museum is home to the West’s largest collection of full- sized running railway locomotives, passenger and freight cars, streetcars, interurban electric cars, and other artifacts dating from the 1870’s. Learn more about the events below and enter for a chance to win tickets to take the family! Note: There is an entry box for each event, please make sure you are entering the correct contest, and that you’re available to go on the date(s) indicated.
Giveaway Dates:
- Terror in Train Town: October 4th @ 6pm
- Pumpkin Patch Express: Saturday, October 12th @ 2pm
- Day Out with Thomas: Saturday, November 2nd @ 3pm

Terror in Train Town
OCTOBER 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th & 26th
New this year to the fall event line-up is “Terror in Train Town” which includes two great haunted mazes designed and produced by the renowned Bloodshed Brothers: the “Hyde Street Massacre Haunted House” and “Darkness.” Guests 13 and older can experience both of these frightening haunted mazes for only $15.
- The Hyde Street Massacre Haunted House – Get lost within the haunting walls of Otis Hatcher’s killing chambers. This 2,500 square foot experience might feel like it will be your last…
- The Darkness – In “The Darkness”, it’s not the darkness that will scare you, it’s what’s in the dark that will.

One LET’S PLAY OC! reader will win this prize. Please enter below for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveawayPumpkin Patch Express
October 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 from 9am to 5pm
Select and decorate your own pumpkin to take home, visit the petting zoo, enjoy Music 4 Kids concert, and Mister Twister the balloon guy. Go on a trolley ride around the museum, take part in kids’ crafts, the hay maze, visit the coloring station, temporary tattoos, bounce house, cookies and cider, scavenger hunt, and trick-or-treating! New this year is the Pumpkin Patch Express Carnival: fun rides and carnival games for all the kids.

One LET’S PLAY OC! reader will win this prize. Please enter below for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveawayDay Out With Thomas
November 2, 3, 9, 10, & 11 from 9am to 5pm
Day Out with Thomas™ is a family event that offers aspiring engineers and their families the unique opportunity to take a ride with the classic storybook engine, Thomas the Tank Engine™. Take a ride with Thomas, meet Percy* and Sir Topham Hat, and enjoy a day of family fun! Tickets for all of the Southern California Railway Museum events are available online at or onsite the day of each event.

One LET’S PLAY OC! reader will win this prize. Please enter below for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveawayADDRESS:
Southern California Railway Museum
2201 South “A” Street
Perris, California
(951) 943-3020
About Orange Empire Railway Museum
Orange Empire Railway Museum operates a Museum Railway where visitors can ride on the historic trains and trolleys that helped shape the Southern California we know today. The Museum Railway operates every weekend and on most major holidays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and also on weekdays for charters and other special events. The Museum grounds are open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas.