Tag: Martin Luther King Jr Day
Play Date/Play Day at Pretend City | @PretendCity
Last week, we were off work and school for MLK Day so I wanted to take my kids somewhere they loved. Pretend City Children’s Museum in Irvine is still a favorite so off we went. a Ralph’s Grocery Store, a Kaiser Medical Center, a beach, a Marina with fishing poles, rain boots, and rain coats,…
January Highlights @PretendCity #CommunityHeros #MLKJrDay #ChineseNewYear
Family Autism Night @ Pretend City and Martin Luther King Jr Day!
FREE again this month, Family Autism Night at Pretend City Children’s Museum is Monday, January 28th. Especially designed for families with children of all ages who are on the autism spectrum, the museum is closed to the general public. They turn off the music and dim the lights. Limited tickets available. (One ticket admits FIVE).…