Tag: Richard Nixon Presidential Library

  • Candlelight Evenings at The Nixon Library

    In the spirit of White House Christmas traditions past and present, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is opening its doors after hours for special Candlelight Evenings every Wednesday night this holiday season. These special events are a tribute to First Lady Pat Nixon, her legacy of opening the White House to the American…

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  • FREE EVENT: Meet the Presidents Educational Summer Series Tuesdays at Nixon Library | @nixonfoundation

    FREE EVENT: Meet the Presidents Educational Summer Series Tuesdays at Nixon Library | @nixonfoundation

    This summer Richard Nixon Foundation would like to invite families to MEET THE PRESIDENTS, a free series of educational events with five great American Presidents plus First Lady Pat Nixon. Each event will be performed in the White House East Room and feature look-a-likes portraying Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Nixon, and Roosevelt, as well as include…

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