• Adventure City: BOO-TASTIC Halloween Party + Ticket Giveaway!

    Post written in collaboration with Adventure City. All opinions are our own. If you love all things Halloween and you celebrate all month long like we do, you’ll want to add Adventure City to the list! This family-owned theme park always packs a ton of fun for families who don’t like to walk for miles.…

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  • Gift @KelleysKookies for Valentine’s Day! #Giveaway ends 2/10/13.

    I walked into Kelley’s Kookies to check out their Valentine’s Day Selection and also to purchase gift sets for Lunar New Year. If you’re in the area, they have a FREE Tasting Party this Saturday, February 9th at their Stanton Location. Check it out! On that day only, they will also be giving out these…

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  • Harry Dotson Park’s Water Feature is back on! #Updated

    Photo Credits: Let’s Play OC! Wow this is great news! My kids and SAHM-friends love love this park and were so disappointed when the water feature was shut down due to budget cuts. Thanks to the generous donation of Association of Orange County Deputy Sherrifs (AOCDS), they were able to turn it back on as…

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