Alpha Plant Based Burritos

Disclaimer: I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( All opinions are my own.

I haven’t been much of a burrito person much less a frozen-burrito person, but I do visit the frozen department from time-to-time when I need emergency items in my freezer. I remember in high school, they used to let us go off campus for lunch. Some of us ended up at the nearest QuikTrip convenience store where we can find cheap microwaveable eats plus they had a ton of drink options. It was also a way for us to try things we couldn’t get at home. For work, frozen meals were an easy choice when we had quick 30 minute lunches. After having kids, I occasionally buy frozen lasagnas or pizzas for emergencies.

Most recently Alpha Foods Company along with Moms Meet asked me try plant-based Alpha Burritos then write an honest review about it. They were easy to find at my local Ralph’s frozen, healthy options aisle. They’re GMO Free, 100% plant based, and have loads of protein. As recommended, I panini-pressed their Pizza Burrito to give it a crispier crust, and Wow, they tasted great! It was hard for me to believe that they were meatless and had 11g of protein!

If you have short lunches and need a healthier alternative that you can keep in your freezer, check out Alpha Burritos from Alpha Foods. Besides the Pizza flavor, other flavors were Philly Sandwich and Mexicali. For more information or to find a retailer near you, please visit their website at

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