How Much Do Tummy Tucks Cost? Financing Options
I have been getting this a lot lately – How much does Cosmeticare charge for Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Liposuction, and what are their financing options? A Tummy Tuck can range from $9,000 to $13,000, and it will vary depending on each individual needs. Patients can add liposuction to their tummy tuck. Lipo typically start at $3,000 per area. For example, if you wanted lipo on your love handles, both the left and right combined would be considered one area. I had Lipoabdominoplasty which included a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction of the trunk, and micro-body contouring on my mid-back/bra roll. It also included a facility fee and anesthesia. I have broken it … READ MORE >>