6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe Online, #GrowingUpOnline Free eBook PLUS The Lorax Blu-ray Giveaway

How do YOU teach your children to surf the web safely? The More You Know Learning Series, in collaboration with NBC News, has launched Growing Up Online, the FREE eBook for parents to keep their kids safe on the Internet! Our kids have never known a world without the Internet. They’re spending more and more time on the web, so teaching them about using technology responsibly and safely is critical. Use the #GrowingUpOnline Blog App and take the quiz to see if your child is ready to safely surf the web! Download the FREE Growing Up Online eBook and be sure to watch all four entertaining comic book stories as … READ MORE >>

HAPPY EARTH DAY! Things you can do with your family @Seussville

What’s everyone doing to save Earth today? My kids love The Lorax movie and I love the part when Lorax says, “Unless… someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss, The Lorax We’re watching the movie again today and will be discussing things we can do around the house. For things you can do with your family, check out The Lorax‘s facebook page >> https://www.facebook.com/TheLorax They share tips like: “Be sure to turn off the water while you brush. That way you’ll waste less water and you won’t have to rush!” “Now here’s an idea that is really bright. … READ MORE >>