Tummy Tuck – My Top 10 Reasons Why I Would Do It Again

Tummy Tucks (aka Mommy Makeovers) are no joke. It is a serious commitment that takes months to prepare for, plus you have downtime which requires you to rely on others for support. I say “months” but it could take years, because you’ll need time to research, find the right doctor, and mentally prepare. Let’s face it, it’s a scary process! I’ve had two kids and my youngest is eight years old. It was time for a change, and I wanted my body back. Once you are convinced you have found “the” doctor, you have to schedule the operation, and you’ll also need time to run errands, line up support, do … READ MORE >>

New Year, New Me!

MOMMY MAKEOVER UPDATE I saw my surgeon this week. It has been about five months and two weeks since my Tummy Tuck with Dr. Brian Reagan at CosmetiCare. It was another post-op follow-up visit, and he wants to see me again at ten months. My visit went well, and it’s nice that they still care and check on me even when they have seen me several times already. I always feel welcomed, and their team is extremely friendly and helpful. I always felt better knowing that they specialize in these types of procedures and that their doctors are well-known in the industry.  Thankfully, I haven’t had any problems, and I still … READ MORE >>

New Body, New Wardrobe Needed After Tummy Tuck

The holidays are here, and I don’t know what to wear! If you have been following my Mommy Makeover Journey with Dr. Brian Reagan at CosmetiCare, it has been an eventful last few months. I had my procedure done in August, and the recovery within the last five months have gone extremely smoothly with no complications. I was already out and about after two weeks, and most people were surprised I was out so soon. I still feel mild sensitivity in my abdominal area and the scars could be lighter, but I’m feeling about 90-95%. My old clothes just doesn’t fit the same, because remember I used to get them … READ MORE >>

It’s My First Time Getting BOTOX!

I went into CosmetiCare Medspa for my first BOTOX treatment. It’s suppose to help freeze my 11’s between my eyebrows. When I was younger I was very proud that I was able to make facial expressions that my friends couldn’t do. Well now after years of raising my eyebrows and making funny faces, the creases are there even though I’m not using those muscles. From what I understand, as time passes our skin becomes less elastic and those moderate to severe frown lines remain even when our muscles aren’t moving. BOTOX is meant to be preventative and it will help make me look more rested as well as look natural.   … READ MORE >>

Firefly Toothbrushes Star Wars Brush Battle Using Force

Ultimate #BrushBattle with Firefly Star Wars Lightsaber Toothbrushes + Sweepstakes!

As we all anticipate the new movie release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I know the last thing we want to do is fight with our children about brushing their teeth. I would like to know – at what age does the nagging stop, and when do they realize they need to take care of them on their own? I have become that nagging parent. If you are always looking for a fun way to get the children to brush their teeth, Firefly Toothbrush sent us these fun Star Wars Lightsaber themed toothbrushes that play sounds and light up! They are a hit with my kids! It comes in Kylo … READ MORE >>